Project Curator
British Museum
As a child I wanted to be an Egyptologist, learn ancient languages and discover treasures. I cherished this career goal until I started studying Art History and Archaeology at the Louvre. The more I read and worked in the cultural sector, the more I diversified my aspirations; I got particularly interested in curatorial work and, other than ancient history, I also became very keen on contemporary art, the history of religions, the notions of cultural hybridity, legitimacy and ownership of cultural heritage.
The SOCL scheme opened my eyes to ideas around diversifying museum audiences, creating narratives through community engagement and giving a voice to all parts of a society. As Public Programmes Assistant at the National Army Museum, my role consisted in supporting the Public Programmes manager in organising and delivering the events of the Museum.
Today, I carry on developing my curatorial skills working as project curator in the Middle East department at the British Museum and I would like in the next years to start a research project on the dynamics of cultural hybridity in the global art market.