Stacey Bagdi

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Research, Exhibitions and Museum Shop Officer
Enfield Council 

Freelance Research Assistant for Ancient Civilisations 
Birmingham Museums Trust

During my placement at Forty Hall Estate as Programming & Learning Trainee, I contributed to many different aspects of programming, exhibitions and education. My top three activities that I really enjoyed were assisting with the new permanent exhibition re-display and installation, bringing in a number of new objects into the museum and managing the acquisitions, planning and delivering the first Forty Hall Estate Village Fête and designing and leading on a school session which focused on archaeology and Elsyng Palace. 

Gaining a diploma in Cultural Heritage has expanded my skill-set and I now feel more confident to apply to jobs that I may not have had experience for previously. In the future, I aspire to work with Archaeological objects either in a curatorial or programming capacity. Ideally, I would like to travel and gain experience in museums in Egypt or Europe. In this position I hope to open up barriers to access in cultural heritage and engage with diversifying audience participation.  

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