Interpretation Trainee at English Heritage Trust
English Heritage
I have a strong interest in history and art and how they are interpreted within cultural institutions. During my time at English Heritage I have had many enjoyable moments. One of them has been to lead on the delivery of an exhibition to celebrate 100 years of Marble Hill as a public park. I put together the exhibition with the curatorial team to enhance community connections with Marble Hill Park. I developed good project management skills to deliver the exhibition on time, within budget and within brand guidelines. Also in creating the exhibition, I got an understanding of copyright issues as I achieved image and film permissions from various sources.
To start building a sense of shared ownership of the property between audiences and English Heritage. I have been organising and jointly giving group tours of Marble Hill House. Groups that wouldn’t have normally visited Marble Hill on their own accord, have now come to the property and a communication channel has been opened. The relationship can now be fostered to hopefully encourage repeat visits and a place for community events. My time at English Heritage has been so mixed that I have enriched my knowledge of the heritage sector. I have been able to gain experience in creating exhibitions and to work with a range of people from key stakeholders to local residents.