Chloe Greeves

Chloe was based at Royal Museums Greenwich as a Collections and Learning Engagement Trainee. She  learned conservation skills, supported collections care and also worked with staff and volunteers to develop a new public offer for museum audiences.
After graduating in 3D Design and Craft at Brighton University, Chloe worked in various creative roles. From workshop and fashion studio assistant at ‘Intrepid Camera’ and streetwear brand ‘Dream But Do Not Sleep’, to social media and marketing for London-based screen printers ‘3rd Rail’. As a designer and photographer she is motivated by communities and society; her projects tend to be people-led, aimed at creating positive development. She combines the emotive and personal qualities of photography with the experiential qualities of interactive 3D Design, and within her work she is always trying to make lasting memories, whether that be with a photograph or installation. She believes in pragmatic design, reconnecting people and their surroundings.