Jasmina Gharres

Jasmina was placed with Royal Collection Trust, based in Windsor Castle and Buckingham Palace. Her work involved managing the collection across the various royal residences – with focus on preventative conservation, cataloguing, object moves and working with a collections management database. Deciding to gain some work experience before university, Jasmina took various internships and roles within contemporary art galleries, she developed skills and an interest in the practical element of heritage management. While working at the British Museum in education and object handling, she discovered an interest in museum collections and conservation – especially with historic sculpture and paintings. Jasmina hopes to carry on with enthusiasm and curiosity within the heritage sector and explore how our society has been affected by the art around us, and how we continue to interpret it. She also has an interest in poetry, often performing her work in various spoken word events around London – exploring topics such as mental health and autism within her work and working towards losing negative stigma and taboo by replacing them with artistic interpretations. Jasmina also spends her spare time tending to her allotment and inner-city balcony garden, an activity which she finds therapeutic and rewarding.