We are thrilled to announce that we have been awarded £41k from Esmée Fairbairn Foundation and Art Fund to enable us to recruit the third cohort of 15 students to our successful New Museum School Advanced Programme at the University of Leicester.
The programme was launched in 2021 with support from Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, University of Leicester, the Marstine Family Foundation in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and our museum partners from all over the UK. The New Museum School Advanced Programme not only offers a gold-standard postgraduate offer; it builds on Culture&’s and University of Leicester’s track record of providing career enhancing educational pathways for those who are underrepresented in the arts and heritage workforce. The strategic intention is to equip our students with the resources that will enable them to play leading roles in the sector. The NMSAP also brings with it the opportunity to harness the arts and heritage sector to drive a movement for inclusive transformation.
We thank Art Fund and Esmée Fairbairn Foundation for their generous support of our programme.
Photo credit: Liz Isles (2019)