‘The Caged Bird’s Song’ at the Clothworkers Hall

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Chris Ofili’s gorgeous triptych tapestry ‘The Caged Bird’s Song’, 2014–2017, commissioned by the Worshipful Company of Clothworkers for the artist’s 2017 National Gallery show ‘Weaving Magic’, the work depicts scenes from classical and contemporary mythology inspired by the stories, magic, and colours of the Trinidadian landscape.

The Clothworkers were incorporated by Royal Charter in 1528 and are one of the twelve most influential of the ancient trade associations of the City of London. The associations, also known as Livery Companies or Guilds, were originally formed to protect the interest of trades people skilled in specific crafts or trades, in this case those who finished wool.

Ofili’s work now hangs in the Clothworkers Hall.

Photos: https://bit.ly/3b24mzq